The National Hostos Independence Movement of Puerto Rico condemns the aggression in Gaza Imprimir
Escrito por Movimiento Independentista Nacional Hostosiano   
Lunes, 25 de Agosto de 2014 12:09

minhAt its 10 August 2014 meeting the National leadership of the National Hostos Independence Movement of Puerto Rico (MINH) strongly condemned the genocide against the people of Palestine in Gaza presently being committed by Benjamin Netanyahu’s inhuman Isreali government in violation of all international norms.


​The leadership recalled the two protests against this barbarity which have already been held in Puerto Rico after this most recent and savage aggression that has cost the lives of hundreds of Palestinian children, thousands of civilians as well as the destruction of infrastructure, schools, hospitals and United Nations entities in Gaza with thegenocidal intention of destroying the Palestinian people and thus curtail the possibility of  its own State of Palestine.

​Besides the government of Israel, it also condemned the complicity of the United States Government which supports these horrific assaults and supplies the government of Israel with all types of arms and economic resources to facilitate actions against the Palestinian people. The hands of the United States, the Obamas, the Kerries and company, are just as bloodied as Israel’s hands.

​The National leadership of the National Hostos Independence Movement of Puerto Rico (MINH) reiterated its support of the Palestinian people in its struggle for the construction of its own State, it condemned Israel’s blockade against Gaza and called for peace and dignity for the Palestinian people. Also, the leadership of the MINH decided to carry out several activities in support of the Palestinian people and reiterated that the struggle of the people of Puerto Rico for freedom from the U.S. colonial yoke and for the exercise of its inalienable right to self determination and independence creates a bond of solidarity with the Palestinian people.

End aggressions of the Palestinian people now!!

Peace and dignity for the Palestinian people now!!

Translated by: Olga Sanabria/MINH


Última actualización en Lunes, 25 de Agosto de 2014 12:18