Palestinian UN diplomat appreciates MINH solidarity Imprimir
Escrito por Movimiento Independentista Nacional Hostosiano   
Lunes, 25 de Agosto de 2014 12:16

palestineFeda Abdelhady-Nasser, Deputy Permanent Representative of the Permanent Observer Mission of Palestine to the United Nations, welcomed the expression of solidarity with the Palestinian people in Gaza by the National Hostos Independence Movement of Puerto Rico (MINH) adopted unanimously on Sunday, August 10, 2014.

The message sent to Olga Sanabria (MINH's leader) by Abdelhady-Nasser reads:

Thank you for sharing with me the Spanish and English versions of these strong statements of solidarity with the Palestinian people. I was very moved by the support and principles of humanity expressed in the statement. Such solidarity is so significant for the Palestinian people at this time of crisis, trauma and tragedy that they are enduring as Israel, the occupying Power, continues its inhumane and barbaric military aggression against the Gaza Strip and its illegal colonization and other human rights violations in the rest of Occupied Palestine, including East Jerusalem. This kind of solidarity helps to remind our people that they are not alone and that people all over the world sympathize and support them and this in turn helps to strengthen their resilience to continue their struggle until they achieve their freedom, independence, justice, rights and dignity, which they have been too long denied. We are very grateful for the friends we have in Puerto Rico and the support and solidarity conveyed to us.