National Hostos Movement for the Independence of Puerto Rico launches campaign in support of Palestinian Children Imprimir
Escrito por Movimiento Independentista Nacional Hostosiano   
Miércoles, 03 de Septiembre de 2014 08:43

palestinaThe National Hostos Movement for the Independence of Puerto Rico hereby announces that it has launched a national campaign, "Puerto Rico extends its hand to Palestinian Children".

The objective of the campaign is to raise a substantial amount of funds that will be sent to the pertinent authorities for the needs of Palestinian children who have been the main victims of the aggression against the Gaza population.

We call on Puerto Rican religious, educational, professional, trade union, social and community organizations and all people to participate and collaborate with this humanitarian and solidarity campaign, and contribute to the Palestinian children generously and according to their ability.

Your economic contribution may be deposited directly in the following bank account which has been opened for this purpose:

Oriental Bank
Ayuda Niñez Palestina Acct # 3094545961

For additional information, please call telephone no. 787-774-8585.

Because Palestinian children also deserve to be happy!


Translated by: Olga Sanabria/MINH