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USA Turned Puerto Rico Into a Reservation, Says Oscar López, Political Prisoner PDF Imprimir Correo
Escrito por Néstor Rosa-Marbrell / Prensa Latina   
Martes, 13 de Mayo de 2014 08:37

oscarSan Juan, May 6 (Prensa Latina) The United States government pretends to convert Puerto Rico into a reservation, just like it has done with the natives, in the view of the Puerto Rican political prisoner Oscar López Rivera.

"If you examine the reality of indigenous in U.S reservations and what can be seen there from the point of view of the reality of its people, makes you think about where could United States be taking Puerto Rico", stated the Puerto Rican independence fighter.

The statement was made by the leader of the Hostosian National Independence Movement (MINH) Alejandro Torres, who visited Lopez Rivera at prison Terre Haute, Indiana, last weekend , along with the co-president of the Organization Wilma Reverón Collazo.

Torres told Prensa Latina that the political prisoner will meet 33 years of imprisonment in the United States next May 29, 12 of them in solitary; however he stands firm in his revolutionary principles.

"When the proposed development depends, in any country, of resources coming from outside, the benefits go out. United States can invest in Puerto Rico as much as it wants so there will never be a true development", stated the political prisoner in his dialogue with the leaders of the MINH.


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